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Full System Requirements for FIFA 2010

Supported software:
Microsoft Windows 2000/XP (Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98/ME and Microsoft Windows NT are not supported), executable on Microsoft Windows Vista

Minimum hardware requirements:
Windows XP SP3
CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2.4 GHz or equivalent
Video Card: ATI Radeon 9500 Pro 128MB or greater, NVIDIA GeForce 6600 256MB or greater, Pixel shader 2.0 and above.

Windows Vista™ SP2
CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2.8 GHz or equivalent
RAM: 1.5 GB
Video Card: ATI Radeon 9500 Pro 128MB or greater, NVIDIA GeForce 6600 256MB or greater, Pixel shader 2.0 and above.

6.9 GB available hard disk space
8x DVD-ROM drive
DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card

About :

For the first time ever, players can play the 2010 FIFA World Cup in a full and authentic online tournament mode, carrying the hopes and dreams of your favourite nation into battle against fans from rival countries. Experience the competition under the same conditions your real-world heroes face in South Africa, from the group stage through the knockout rounds to the chance to be crowned 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa champion.

Spectacularly presented in true-to-life detail, 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa features all 199 national teams that took part in qualification, all 10 officially licensed stadiums to be used in South Africa and stadiums from each qualifying region. Everything fans love about the World Cup comes to life in stunning detail, including confetti cannons, streamers, & fireworks-just like the official tournament.

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